Linda González in Heli
Linda González
Linda González seen topless from the side as she showers and washes her hair, her nipples coming into view at the bottom of the frame. From Heli.
Linda González
Linda González underneath a guy as they attempt to have sex, but he rolls over and sits up. She is wearing a shirt, but after a bit the guy leans over and pulls it to the side to expose her left breast. From Heli.
Linda González
Linda González lying naked under a guy on a bed as he makes out with her, her left breast coming into view as he then pulls his pants down and has sex with her. From Heli.

Reina Torres in Heli
Reina Torres
Reina Torres sitting in a parked car with a guy beside her as she reaches into her shirt and pulls out her large breasts. She then takes the guy's head and puts it down in her chest for a bit before he moves away and we get one more topless view before she covers up. From Heli.