Billions sorted by filesize
Malin Akerman
Malina Akerman first showing bare breasts while having sex with a guy at the edge of a swimming pool, her arms wrapped around him as he sits on a bench under the water. We then see Malin lying next to the guy on a towel on a lawn, again showing her bare breasts while she lies on her side talking to him. From Billions.
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Asia Kate Dillon
Asia Kate Dillon undressing to show bare breasts while making out with a guy, then moving to a sofa and straddling him while kissing some more. From Billions.
Katelyn Pearce
Katelyn Pearce, Valéry Lessard, and Anna Tyson all naked in a hot tub as a guy approaches, Katelyn and Valéry standing up as Katelyn shows full-frontal nudity. Valéry almost does too, but Anna's shoulder just barely blocks the view between Valéry's legs. We then see bare butts from Katelyn and Valéry before the guy climbs into the tub, followed by bare breasts from all three as they cavort together and the guy watches. From Billions.
0:34 - 28.67 MB - 1920x1080 px May 8th, 2018 @ 12:29 pm Katelyn Pearce, Valery Lessard & Anna Tyson - Billions - S03E07.mp4
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Asia Kate Dillon
Asia Kate Dillon (right) of Orange Is the New Black fame passionately making out with Jade Eshete (left) of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency fame on a street at night as the camera spins around them kissing. From Billions.
Sexy 0:22 - 26.46 MB - 1920x1080 px November 6th, 2019 @ 7:38 pm Asia Kate Dillon & Jade Eshete - Billions - S04E09.mp4 -
Annapurna Sriram
Annapurna Sriram of South of Hell fame lying on her back moaning with her shirt pulled up showing her breasts as Michaela Sprague goes down on her and then Michaela coming up and passionately lesbian kissing Annapurna before lying down naked on her back and pouring some cocaine on her breasts and then having Annapurna snort it off of her chest and start making out with Michaela again until her phone rings. From Billions.
0:46 - 19.95 MB - 1280x720 px January 18th, 2016 @ 8:09 pm Annapurna Sriram & Michaela Sprague - Billions - S01E02 - 1.mp4
Lily Gladstone
Lily Gladstone wearing a blue teddy as she pushes a guy down onto a couch and climbs onto his lap before pulling some smelling salts out of her top and cracking them open for him after which it cuts to her sleeping curled up against him showing her ass in blue panties. From Billions.
Sexy 0:23 - 18.67 MB - 1920x1080 px November 24th, 2019 @ 2:15 pm Lily Gladstone - Billions - S04E11.mp4 -
Alyx Libby
Alyx Libby sleeping in bed naked next to a guy, her breasts visible while she is on her back until she rolls over and another guy sits down and pulls the covers up slightly. From Billions.
Nina Arianda
Nina Arianda of Goliath fame grunting and breathing heavily while having sex with a guy on top of her at first seen from across the room and then from the side as she rocks back and forth kissing him and then looking away. From Billions.
Sexy 0:12 - 11.29 MB - 1920x1080 px October 21st, 2019 @ 4:10 pm Nina Arianda - Billions - S04E02.mp4 -
Annapurna Sriram
Annapurna Sriram seen on a TV screen showing her breasts with her top pulled up as Michaela Sprague kneels naked going down on her before climbing up top of Annapurna to lesbian kiss her and then seen on her back while Annapurna snorts cocaine off of her chest all while a guy pauses and starts the video recording while sitting in a room talking with Annapurna. From Billions.
0:32 - 11.27 MB - 1280x720 px January 20th, 2016 @ 1:56 pm Annapurna Sriram & Michaela Sprague - Billions - S01E02 - 2.mp4
Michaela Sprague
Michaela Sprague giving us a clear look at her breasts while lying naked on her back in bed before she sits up and then gets out of the bed and walks across the room. From Billions.
Melissa Errico
Melissa Errico riding a guy in bed, naked but with her breasts just out of view as she has sex on top of the guy and we see her bare back with the sheets pulled around her waist. From Billions.
Sexy 0:08 - 2.72 MB - 1280x720 px February 15th, 2016 @ 8:02 pm Melissa Errico - Billions - S01E03.mp4