The Duchess sorted by filesize
  • The Duchess

    Keira Knightley

    Keira Knightley undressing in front of a guy, partially covering her breasts as she sits down on a bed. The guy then joins her and they begin to have sex, her left nipple popping into view a couple times. The nudity in this clip was edited out for the release of the movie in theaters in the US and on the Region 1 DVD. Good quality capture of an unedited version of The Duchess.

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  • The Duchess

    Keira Knightley

    Keira Knightley undressing in front of a guy, partially covering her breasts as she sits down on a bed. The guy then joins her and they begin to have sex, her left nipple popping into view a couple times. The nudity in this clip was edited out for the release of the movie in theaters in the US and the Blu-ray release. From The Duchess.

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