Olivia Crocicchia sorted by length
  • Terri

    Olivia Crocicchia

    Olivia Crocicchia of Rescue Me fame lying on her back topless with her nipples just out of view. She then sits up with her panties in view, her arm crossed across her chest to partially cover her breasts and reveal some cleavage. From Terri.

    Sexy 0:40 - 13.88 MB - 1280x690 px October 5th, 2011 @ 10:08 am Olivia Crocicchia - Terri.mp4
  • Palo Alto

    Olivia Crocicchia

    Olivia Crocicchia of Rescue Me fame wearing an opened black sweater with a bikini underneath as she lies back in a lounge chair talking with Claudia Levy and then sitting up to look at a laptop screen with her as they talk all while giving us some looks at her body as Emma Roberts watches them from the other side of a pool and then finally dunks herself in the water while in an orange one piece swimsuit. From Palo Alto.

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