from Escort Boys (2023)
from My Brother, My Sister (2021)
from Toute ressemblance (2019)
  • Toute ressemblance

    Caterina Murino

    Caterina Murino waking up in bed beside a guy, the guy rolling over on top of her and kissing her as she almost reveals her left breast, pressed against the guy and blocked from view by his arm. She then very nearly reveals her breast again as she rolls over on top of the guy while pulling up the covers. Finally, we see her bare butt from behind as she stands near the bed and puts on a shirt. From Toute ressemblance.

    1:29 - 44.39 MB - 1912x800 px April 1st, 2020 @ 1:29 pm Caterina Murino - Toute ressemblance.mp4

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from Et mon coeur transparent (2017)
from Hemingway's Garden of Eden (2008)
from Il seme della discordia (2008)
from Le grand alibi (2008)
  • Le grand alibi

    Caterina Murino

    Caterina Murino, Bond girl from Casino Royale, emerging naked from a swimming pool at night, showing her breasts and then her nice ass when she walks by a guy and then wraps up in a red towel. She then rejoins the guy, slipping the towel down to allow him to touch her right breast. Good quality capture from Le grand alibi. Updated to higher quality.

    1:08 - 53.07 MB - 1920x1080 px August 15th, 2020 @ 8:20 am Caterina Murino - Le grand alibi.mp4
from Casino Royale (2006)
  • Casino Royale

    Caterina Murino

    Caterina Murino bending over in a low cut pink dress showing off a lot of cleavage as she talks on the phone and kisses a guy before he flips her over and then gets up leaving her on the ground. Hi-res DVD capture from Casino Royale.

    Sexy 0:44 - 10.50 MB - 720x288 px May 25th, 2007 @ 10:42 pm [email protected]

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from Des jours et des nuits (2005)
from The Corsican File (2004)
  • The Corsican File

    Caterina Murino

    Caterina Murino being watched by a guy as she walks across a beach takes her dress off to reveal a red bikini underneath. She then swims out into the water and begins to flounder, the guy swimming out to rescue her. We then see Caterina lying on her side on a towel in her wet bikini as the guy eventually helps her to her feet and we see cleavage and a pokey nipple as he helps her across the sand. From The Corsican File (AKA L'enquête corse).

    Sexy 2:15 - 46.94 MB - 1280x544 px November 14th, 2013 @ 5:52 pm Caterina Murino - The Corsican File.mp4