Lisa Welch sorted by most popular
  • Revenge of the Nerds

    Lisa Welch

    Lisa Welch seen on a TV screen being filmed by a hidden camera as she removes her nightie to reveal her breasts and then walks across the room one direction and then back across and out the door all while some guys sit in a living room watching her topless with excitement. From Revenge of the Nerds.

    0:23 - 29.55 MB - 1918x1040 px September 2nd, 2020 @ 3:42 pm Lisa Welch - Revenge of the Nerds.mp4

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  • Revenge of the Nerds

    Lisa Welch

    Former Playboy Playmate of the Month Lisa Welch at first seen braless in a loose fitting nightie that shows a hint of her hard nipples underneath while she sits in front of a vanity mirror and then seen topless brushing her hair as some guys walk in on her before she jumps up still topless and follows them out of the room and then down a hallway hitting them all while the sides of her large breasts are seen bouncing while she chases them past some other unknown sorority girls. From Revenge of the Nerds.

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