from Ava (2017)
  • Ava

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy giving us an explicit view in between her legs as she sits on a table with her legs spread looking around the room as the camera slowly zooms in on her vagina before she's seen having sex with a guy as she sits on the edge of the table while he bounces her up and down. From Ava.

    0:07 - 4.33 MB - 1920x1036 px February 5th, 2019 @ 8:33 pm Laure Calamy - Ava.mp4

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  • Ava

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy showing the top of her bush as she walks out of a bathroom with her white shorts undone before she pulls them up back up and starts to zip them all while Noée Abita and a baby are in the room. From Ava.

    0:15 - 6.59 MB - 1920x1036 px January 30th, 2019 @ 5:19 pm Laure Calamy & Noee Abita - Ava - 1.mp4

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  • Ava

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy removing her red bikini and climbing into a shower where she washes herself with the shower head showing her breasts and bending over twice showing the top of her ass all while she talks with Noée Abita before getting out of the shower and drying off with a towel still showing some of her nipples. From Ava.

    0:41 - 29.79 MB - 1920x1036 px February 3rd, 2019 @ 4:46 pm Laure Calamy & Noee Abita - Ava - 2.mp4

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  • Ava

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy having sex with a guy as she rides him on a bed showing her ass while Noée Abita and a group of children stand in the bedroom doorway watching before Laure starts leaning back and then turns her head a bit realizing that Noée and the kids were spying on them having sex and then stopping in shock as the kids run off showing her right breast as she looks back. From Ava.

    0:21 - 21.70 MB - 1920x1036 px February 3rd, 2019 @ 4:48 pm Laure Calamy & Noee Abita - Ava - 3.mp4

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from Back Alley (2014)
  • Back Alley

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy sitting down on the edge of a bed while putting a condom in her mouth before applying the condom to the guy using her mouth and then going down on him all as he watches porn on TV. From Back Alley.

    Sexy 0:29 - 8.62 MB - 1280x692 px March 13th, 2022 @ 11:03 am Laure Calamy - Back Alley - 1.mp4

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  • Back Alley

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy lying on her back having disinterested sex while underneath a guy as she looks around until finally he orgasms and collapses on top of her. From Back Alley.

    Sexy 0:27 - 8.18 MB - 1280x692 px March 13th, 2022 @ 10:58 am Laure Calamy - Back Alley - 2.mp4

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  • Back Alley

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy coaching a guy on how to give oral sex as she lies on her back looking around disinterested as he goes down on her all while she gives him tips and corrections and as he reaches up grabbing her left breast through her black top. From Back Alley.

    Sexy 0:56 - 11.49 MB - 1280x692 px March 13th, 2022 @ 11:01 am Laure Calamy - Back Alley - 3.mp4

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  • Back Alley

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy being handled aggressively by a guy as he pulls his pants down and makes her get on her knees and then has her go down on him while he holds on to the back of her head and then lifts her face up lightly slapping her and grabbing her by the mouth giving us a quick look at her giving him an explicit blow job with what's likely a prosthetic penis all as another guy in the room watches. From Back Alley (AKA La contre-allée).

    Sexy 0:54 - 20.86 MB - 1280x692 px March 13th, 2022 @ 11:05 am Laure Calamy - Back Alley - 4.mp4

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from Dix pour cent (2015)
from Holly Weed (2017)
  • Holly Weed

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy seducing a priest in a church as she rips her skirt open and then yanks her top down exposing her right nipple before she starts quickly and repeatedly flicking her tongue at him over and over and then begins licking and sucking on his nose until finally she gets on her knees and undoes his pants and then starts going down on him while he leans up against a statue. From Holly Weed.

    1:09 - 62.89 MB - 1920x1038 px March 1st, 2022 @ 4:53 pm Laure Calamy - Holly Weed - S01E07.mp4

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from It's Raining Men (2023)
  • It's Raining Men

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy having a guy help undress her before we see her topless on her back in bed with him. She and the guy kiss and we see her bare breasts. After a bit, the guy rolls over to fetch a condom and after he puts it on, we see Laure's face as she begins to ride him while having sex. From It's Raining Men (AKA Iris et les hommes).

    2:20 - 174.47 MB - 1920x800 px April 25th, 2024 @ 8:41 pm Laure Calamy - It's Raining Men - 1.mp4
  • It's Raining Men

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy entering a bedroom in a pair of see-through panties and matching bra. We get a view of her butt and bush through the panties, followed by a look at her breasts when she stops and takes the bra off. She then crawls naked into bed with a guy and rolls onto her back under him. From It's Raining Men (AKA Iris et les hommes).

    2:01 - 58.76 MB - 1920x800 px April 25th, 2024 @ 8:38 pm Laure Calamy - It's Raining Men - 2.mp4
from Two Tickets to Greece (2022)
  • Two Tickets to Greece

    Laure Calamy

    Laure Calamy showing full-frontal nudity as she stands naked by a chest of drawers, then stepping out onto a balcony to talk to Olivia Côte. We get a view from behind as she stands on the balcony, showing her bare butt before she steps back inside and sits down on a bed. From Two Tickets to Greece (AKA Les Cyclades). Updated to higher quality.

    0:55 - 29.08 MB - 1916x796 px May 19th, 2023 @ 1:46 pm Laure Calamy - Two Tickets to Greece.mp4

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