Barbara Lerici sorted by most recent
  • Sleepless

    Barbara Lerici

    Barbara Lerici walking out of a bathroom in an animal print bra and panties and then picking some money up and counting it showing her cleavage while she notices a guy is acting weird under the covers on a bed before she tries to run out of the room in a skirt and trips and falls down causing her purse to spill out and then gathering her belongings again and putting on a shirt that's opened in the front still showing her bra. From Sleepless.

    Sexy 0:50 - 36.11 MB - 1920x1038 px October 8th, 2018 @ 6:25 pm Barbara Lerici - Sleepless - 2.mp4

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  • Sleepless

    Barbara Lerici

    Barbara Lerici giving us a long look at her breasts and bush as she runs over to a wall fully nude and then stands there getting angry with a guy off screen and threatening him before he flashes some money at her causing her to become sweet and happy to be there and then grab her clothes and walk into a bathroom while he climbs into bed. From Sleepless (AKA Non ho sonno).

    1:14 - 38.50 MB - 1920x1038 px October 4th, 2018 @ 6:33 pm Barbara Lerici - Sleepless - 1.mp4

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