from United States of Love (2016)
United States of Love
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska standing on a balcony at night in a tank top and panties, holding a cigarette with her arms crossed in front of her. She then tosses the cigarette and turns to face the camera, showing pokey nipples in her tank top before she heads inside. From United States of Love (AKA Zjednoczone stany milosci).
Sexy 0:24 - 18.75 MB - 1920x856 px January 19th, 2017 @ 2:18 pm Julia Kijowska - United States of Love - 1.mp4More [+]
United States of Love
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska lying in a bath tub, reclined at first but then showing her breasts when she sits up to help a guy shave the back of his head as he sits beside the tub. The guy then climbs into the tub and Julia stands up, showing full-frontal nudity followed by her butt as she steps out of the tub and begins to towel off. From United States of Love.
1:30 - 70.54 MB - 1920x856 px January 21st, 2017 @ 6:07 pm Julia Kijowska - United States of Love - 2.mp4
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United States of Love
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska naked in a guy's lap as they have sex on the end of a bed before the guy stands up and Julia moves mostly out of sight with just her legs in view, wrapped around the guy. We then see her lying on her side on the bed afterward, showing her bush and briefly her left breast as she moves her arm. From United States of Love.
2:04 - 96.85 MB - 1920x856 px January 21st, 2017 @ 6:04 pm Julia Kijowska - United States of Love - 3.mp4
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United States of Love
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska standing in front of a sink with her nightie pulled down, her left breast visible as she washes her chest and arm. From United States of Love.
0:14 - 11.07 MB - 1920x856 px January 21st, 2017 @ 6:01 pm Julia Kijowska - United States of Love - 4.mp4
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United States of Love
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska pulling her pants and underwear off beside a bed before she lays down on her side next to a guy who is sleeping. She then reaches her hand around from behind between his legs and warms him up. She then climbs on top of him and they have sex, Julia riding him with her bare butt visible from the side as she keeps her sweater on. From United States of Love.
2:31 - 117.99 MB - 1920x856 px January 23rd, 2017 @ 9:49 pm Julia Kijowska - United States of Love - 5.mp4
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from Loving (2012)
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska in a bathroom as she removes her shirt to reveal a beige bra and then moving around a bit as her bra repeatedly pulls away from her breasts giving us a look inside of her bra all while she grabs another shirt out of her back and then puts it on. From Loving (AKA Milosc).
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Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska naked and pregnant showing her ass and breasts as she turns on the water in a shower and quickly rinses off before giving us a better look at her breasts as she steps out of the shower and grabs a towel and spends some time drying herself off. From Loving (AKA Milosc).
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Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska pregnant in a grey robe as a guy pushes her down on a bed and forces her to have sex with him all as we see them doing it through a doorway as she gets upset and struggles. From Loving (AKA Milosc).
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Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska crawling into bed with a guy and then straddling him as he sits up while they begin to passionately make out and then start having sex before they remove their shirts revealing her breasts and then continue having sex and kissing as she slowly moves up and down on top of him. From Loving (AKA Milosc).
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from The Mighty Angel (2014)
The Mighty Angel
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska showing bare breasts and her butt while having sex on top of a guy. We then get a better view of Julia topless as she lies on her back naked with the guy's head resting in her lap. From The Mighty Angel (AKA Pod mocnym aniolem).
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from Fisheye (2020)
Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska seen naked from the side as she showers in the corner of a room, showing her butt and left breast from the side. She then turns off the water and holds a towel to her front as she walks around the room and looks into the lens of a camera that is in one of the walls. From Fisheye.
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Julia Kijowska
Julia Kijowska looking sickly as she crawls around a room wearing a loose-fitting top that hangs open to give a look at her breasts down her shirt. From Fisheye.
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