Janet Leigh sorted by most popular
  • Psycho

    Janet Leigh

    Janet Leigh dropping her robe and getting into a shower behind a blurry clear shower curtain as she turns the water on and washes herself for a bit until someone sneaks into the bathroom and stabs her repeatedly with a knife causing her to slowly slide down the wall and then reach out and rip the shower curtain down. From Psycho. Note: The portions containing nudity are a body double played by Playboy model Marli Renfro.

    Sexy 1:52 - 133.25 MB - 1920x1040 px October 20th, 2018 @ 5:09 pm Janet Leigh & Marli Renfro - Psycho.mp4
  • Psycho

    Janet Leigh

    Janet Leigh lying in bed in a white lace bra and then sitting up and kissing a guy before lying back on her side and kissing him some more as they talk until finally getting up and walking around the bed as she grabs a shirt and starts getting dressed. From Psycho.

    Sexy 1:27 - 82.46 MB - 1920x1040 px October 20th, 2018 @ 5:06 pm Janet Leigh - Psycho - 1.mp4
  • Psycho

    Janet Leigh

    Janet Leigh wearing a black lace bra and skirt as she walks towards and closet and then pauses to look at some money in an envelope on a bed before picking out a blouse and putting it on. From Psycho.

    Sexy 0:16 - 19.02 MB - 1920x1040 px October 20th, 2018 @ 5:04 pm Janet Leigh - Psycho - 2.mp4