Roxanna Michaels sorted by most popular
  • Caged Fury

    Roxanna Michaels

    Roxanna Michaels fully nude during a group shower scene in a women's prison, dropping a towel off to show breasts and bush before showing her butt when she turns and steps under the shower head. Right behind Roxanna we see April Dawn Dollarhide also dropping a towel to show full nudity as she prepares to shower. Also in the room are a handful of other naked girls. From Caged Fury.

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  • Caged Fury

    Roxanna Michaels

    Roxanna Michaels standing topless with her arms crossed under her breasts before a couple prison guards push her down on a table for a cavity search, her breasts jiggling a bit as she is bent over. Before Roxanna is in view, we see a few other girls given the same treatment, including Dana Lynn, who pulls her black panties off and shows full-frontal nudity before being pushed over. From Caged Fury.

    0:43 - 47.26 MB - 1920x1040 px May 17th, 2018 @ 10:31 am Roxanna Michaels & Dana Lynn - Caged Fury.mp4

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